We support officers throughout Florida with all our HEART.

Similar to the SFLPBA Love Fund, the Florida Police Benevolent Association (FLPBA) launched the PBA Heart Fund: a charity benefiting the families of law enforcement, corrections and correctional probation officers who were killed in the line of duty. Money collected through this fund is also used towards disability benefits for officers who are permanently disabled because of an injury obtained while on the job.
To support their cause, Florida PBA "Support Law Enforcement" license plates are available for purchase at Miami-Dade County tax offices. For each license plate purchased, $20 will be donated to the PBA Heart Fund.
Interested individuals can call the Miami-Dade County Tax Collector office at (305) 375-3591 and request an order form. The PBA Heart Fund is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are fully tax-deductible.